Quote of the week: Michael Hudson on conservatives

hudson-200x300“People seeking to conserve the status quo and power of the vested interests. In the 19th century they fought to preserve the legacy of feudalism by blocking parliamentary reform and its seeming evolution toward democratic socialism. In the United States, Republican Jim DeMint of South Carolina spelled out the conservative political strategy in a nutshell when he left the Senate to head the Koch-backed Heritage Foundation: “Obstruct, obstruct, obstruct” to stop so-called big government from enacting changes that would favor the 99 Percent. One could add “privatize, privatize, privatize” and “delay, delay, delay” to round out their political strategy. That is the spirit of conservatism through the ages.”

Michael Hudson (2017), J is for Junk Economics: A Guide to Reality in an Age of Deception, Germany: ISLET-Verlag, p.63.

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